MeetMe2 - Conference Rooms

MeetMet2 is a module for creation and management of conference rooms. This module allows you to easily run on the conference and its participants, scheduling the opening and closing of the rooms and roles of its members. The management interface of the conference consists of three sections, users, rooms, and real-time.

In the registration of users can set the accountcode which he belongs, his name, e-mail and contact pin, a numeric key to access the conference that he is registered. In the registration conference is set the account to which it belongs, the length, start and finish, the frequency with which it will occur (once, daily, weekly or monthly), start date, how many hours in advance which will be sent an email reminding the conference will be sent the audio of the conference or not, if the conference is active, the text of the email, as well as members of the conference with the assignment of roles (participant or listener) .

The conference rooms are open 10 minutes before the scheduled time and end when the last member leaves the same. To join a conference room just call the extension of the conference and enter the pin of the registered user. On-screen real time you can see the ongoing conference, see the conference information as long as it is occurring, users logged and interfaces that are using, and be able mute, unmute and kick members of the conference, and finished thereof.

Creating an User

Point your web browser to the address of you ACD or STANDALONE brick and login using your admin account. Click on the Sala de Conferências menu and then choose Users.

Click on the Add and fill the following fields:

Field Description
Accountcode User accouncode.
Name Name of the user.
Email E-mail to contact the user.
PIN The numeric key to access the conference rooms.

Creating an Conference

Point your web browser to the address of you ACD or STANDALONE brick and login using your admin account. Click on the Sala de Conferências menu and then choose Salas.

Click on the Add and fill the following fields:

Field Description
Accountcode Room accountcode
Extension Room extension
Hora de Início The hour when the conference starts
Hora de Termino The hour when the conference ends
Frequency The frequency that the conference occurs (Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly).
Start Date The date that the conference starts to occurs. In Once case, the day that conferecer occurs.
Dias The day of the week when the conference occurs in case Weekly frequency and the of the month in case Monthly frequency. In other case, this field is not used.
Lembrete via Email Hours in advance that will be send an e-mail remembering the occurrence of the conference. Zero to do not send any e-mail.
Enviar Audio Checked to send to the members the conference recording of the conference when it ends.
Active Checked if the conference is active.
Texto do Email The text that will be in the conference e-mail body.

When you add a conference member you have to choose the role that he plays in the room. This role can be participant if he can talk and listen the conference or listener if he can only listen to the conference.