Here you will find a list of changes in software from one InstantVoice release to another. Changes are organized by release version and type.
Release 4.6.18¶
New Features¶
- New report callback detailed.
- New report for dialer: Consolidated record.
- New report for callback: Consolidated record.
- New chatbot statistical report for matched and unmatched terms.
- Unified Instant Social Setup with Instant Bot.
- New button to copy CTI in WebAgent.
- New restore interface. (Centralizer).
- New webservice key for Instant Solcial.
- New Instant Social Bot.
- Instant Social now allow multiple responses.
- Now we can check people on answers comments.
- New message on Instat bot timeout.
Bug Fixes¶
- Some improvements on Instant Social.
- Fixed FaceBook sub comment on Instant Social.
- Fixed reload page not close itens anymore.
- Fixed select fields when message no have description on VIVRE.
- Fixed queue realtime of chat messages.
- Fixed blank password didn’t save the user.
- Fixed about problem with super-user of report loosing permission.
- Fixed VIVRE command PBXDial.
- Fixed ADS_RECORD of the Campaigns.
- Default “Ring Duration” time on chat queues was changed
Release 4.6.17¶
New Features¶
- Instant Social implemented.
- New report dialer detailed.
- New report for Instant Social.
- New channel driver khomp.
- Modificated datetime into VIVRE added.
- Spellcheck on IntantChat.
- Agent Extension (Shadow agent).
Bug Fixes¶
- Update the name of the field ‘Origem’ to name ‘Pos. Final’ on ‘substr’ command of the IVR BOT.
- BOT: Bug fixed on ‘substr’ command of the IVR BOT.
Release 4.6.16¶
New Features¶
- New report generate to ads and callback calls
- Improved callback command in IVR.
- New fields on report_agents_statistics_by_date
- Extract report via post https
- Improved Realtime - Dashboard
- Motivation pause when outbound call
- New interface to upload and activate certificates https
Bug Fixes¶
- CTI on tranfers calls
- message on invalid tranfer call
- H.A activate and management
- Messages edit
- agent priority on queues
- Fix on reports library
- Activated SUM columns of the chat group metrics per date report for the following fields: chats, answered before, giveup before and refused
- Fix longest hold on queue chat statistics report
- Ads hangup call on no route, no permission and ask password
- Fix caller id between sip peers InstantVoice
- Fix some issues on meetme
Release 4.6.15¶
New Features¶
- Messages in Bot are shown in the chat calls automatically
- Marking the transcript of the dialogue that identifies the client was transferred in the report
- Added timeout command on autoura Bot.
- Added contains filter on “(Chatbot) Grupos, Registro Detalhado” report
- Added tooltips IVR/Bot vivre
- Improved Bot command retry
- Improved Bot command say_var
- Now interface is https only
- Now “Report Agents Chat Detailed” and “Report Queues Chat Detailed” are by period
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed when Waitinpunt are followed by ifvar command on Bot vivre
- Fixed outbound calls
- Add iptables rules
- Fixed remove users on meetme interface
- Fixed spy interface when description of the passord has blank space
- Improved “Agent Move” interface
- Fixed CallBack timeout
- De-select outbound queue on agent configuration
- Fixed spy by password
- Fiexed disconnect on RealTime Dashboard.
Release 4.6.14¶
New Features¶
- Fallback pause when motivation pause
- IVRBot new Command rest
- New phones models autoprovision support
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed when try edit “install type”
- Fixed pivot report schedule
- Fixed “agents - static by date” report
- Fixed issue when click in uniqueid link in reports
- Fixed IVR command “Set Callerid”
Release 4.6.13¶
New Features¶
- New dashboard real time interface
- New agent outbound identify
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed some issues in autoprovision
- Fixed stuck call in real time interface
- Fixed transfers calls issues
Release 4.6.12¶
New Features¶
- New agent filter on survey analytic
- New interface to list locales in IVC
- New features in InstantVoice Facebook Gateway
- It is now possible to use the same pin in the meetme feature
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed some IVC issues
- Fixed some Reports issues
- Fixed VIVRE interface rendering
- Fixed instability in MeetMe
Release 4.6.11¶
New Features¶
- New integration with Facebook
- New interface to register chat canned messages
Bug Fixes¶
- Realtime no show chat column when this disabled
Release 4.6.10¶
New Features¶
- Differentiating not typed and mistyped in Survey
- Waiting digits with configurable timeout in Survey
- New button to manage and unmanage in H.A
- New mtr feature in log interface
- New ping feature in log interface
- New sniffer feature in log interface
- New command for automatic redial via callback
- IVTS is now in log interface
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixed some issues that reset the ADS
- Improved all IVTS checks
Release 4.6.9¶
New Features¶
- Pause over pause on InstantVoice WebAgent
- Option to see Agent’s name on realtime interface
- Sum and average in time format in Pivot Table report
- Now MeetMe can call to the user at the scheduled time for the start of the conference
Bug Fixes¶
- Now reports can export more then 65535 lines in XLS
- Outbound Strategy is active by default
- Fix “Agents Statistics By Date” report, fields logins/logouts/pauses/unpauses/login time when agent are in multiple queues
- Fix key of media server brick
Release 4.6.8¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fix autoprovision to show description instead sip number
- Fix survey reports with transfer or redirect
- Fix different conference rooms on the same channel
- Fix IVCentralizer generation keys
- Fix IVCentralizer backup schedule
- Fix CallerId when call is extension to extension
- Fix field callerid on extensions configuration
- Fix pagination when using IVCentralizer
Release 4.6.7¶
New Features¶
- New brick called centralizer
- Include player to cut audio file
- New feature Security from acl users
- Improve control acl user interface
- New feature to add a note in the call detailed report
- New audit report
- New phones models autoprovision support
- Include mute button on web conference
Bug Fixes¶
- Agents real time when internal calls
- Chat configuration interface
- Queues filters multiplying on reports
Release 4.6.6¶
New Features¶
- New select box to agents and queues in report interface
- Adding functionality to save / schedule more than one same parameter
- Support third part fxs/fxo
- Add new buttons on meetme realtime
- New debugging
Bug Fixes¶
- Improving performance on report call detailed
- New restore method on H.A
- Improving performance on drilldown reports
- Fix preset reports when status is “not equal”
- Fix ads calls, droped after 10 minutes
Release 4.6.5¶
New Features¶
- New Reports drilldown metrics IVR
- Report calls detailed tags and calls group by tags show tags with transfers
- Report SDA detailed show agent connected to call
- Interface user form with Login LDAP input
Bug Fixes¶
- Fix list order, acd events were always on top
- Filling end_datetime in calls_detailed report
- Fix Duration report ‘agents detailed’ and calls detailed
- Fix Report Survey synthetic - text fixes
- Fix IV_WEBAGENT key permissions
- Fix TMO on Report call statistics
- Fix WebAgent chat doesnt need to go back to login after logout
- Fix events transfers not completed
- Fix events on outbound transfer
- Fix events transfers with missedcalls
Release 4.6.4¶
New Features¶
- Add mark route_region e route_state
- Flashsockets for Webagent in IE9
- Adding AgentValidatePassword method
- IVR new Command rest
- New field MCDU for record filtering
- Add new report agents totals report
- Agent form with Login LDAP input
- New interface_license parameter
- Add limit for users logins
- New checkbox in Account to mark user as reports_superuser. In IVReports, users in this group have same full permission as normal superusers.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fix Hangup method
- Filling end_datetime in calls_detailed
- Destination field in calls_detailed report was wrong because it was affected by a previous report.
- Fix atxfer_timeout minimum of 5 sec (instead of 15)
- Add fields route_region e route_state into pivot
- Add disposition_queue_answered in sql
- Fix TMU into reports pivot
- New log_action parameter WEBAGENT
- New tables to save preset pivot exclusion data
- filtering surveys by accountcode in survey URA commands
- Including atxfertimeout parameter in config table
- Changing alias for giveup_before_n fields that were being confused with answered_before_n fields
- including pivot_server parameter on config table , new email template for pivot reports and new renderer related tables
- New fields ‘Chamadas para Grupos - Atendidas’
- Filter “time” with type “><” for chat reports
- New column end_datetime in report_calls_detailed
- Survey synthetic - text fixes
- Fix report chat “Grupos, Metricas por Periodo “
- Fix ldap method
- filtering second newcall of an api newcall
- Fix transfer to queue cases
- Pass http auth headers to php-fpm
- Search for the line number do send in the CTI message when receives a SEND_CTI from the dialplan
- Fixes maxwait for QUEUEINFO comand
- Fix Chat events
- Fix features events
- Fix method AgentInfo get uniqueid of calls in agent lines
- Fix QueueInfo method
- Field use_tls is string. Improve exceptions
- Fix message callforward disable
- Fixed when clicked the cancel button returns to URAS list.
- Fix bugs with voice queues and chat queues in interface.
- Fix Ldap issues
- Change label “Ramal SIP” to “Ramal”
- Check if the name of the campaign is empty or has special characters
- Fixed when clicked the cancel button returns to URAS list
- Fixed outbound call show the extension instead Caller ID in agents real time
- Fix realtime Agents view acl
- Fix reports pivot tamplate and save
- Encoding utf8 and fix in pivot csv export
- Fix content in Details popup of detailed report..
- Fix reports chat ‘Grupos - metricas (Data/Periodo)’
- Fixed export to xls, metrics reports
- Clear password when authtype changes to LDAP
Release 4.6.3¶
New Features¶
- Including dialplan feature pause to pause
- New survey commands
- SelectBox for Extensions on WEBAGENT
Bug Fixes¶
- Putting accountcode in every query on ivr_mcdu_destiny
- Pivot export WIP
- Allow survey without questions for SurveyAdvanced command
- cleaning the second leg of an atxfer on an atxfer_call_end means cleaning the call which went through
- Fixed survey report when the call is transfer to another queue
- Fixed calc on full duration.
- Fixed transfer event when the call is transfer to another queue
- Fixed cmd sipUserList
- Fixed TMU column , including orig filter
- Improve query trigger
- Including filter by callerid into report Opcoes de Menu
- New filters to reports ivr-final-destination,ivr-to-queue,ivr-final-destination-unique
- Fixes #loading div, better error handling and removing code duplication.
- Socketserver unsubscribes from agent on disconnect
- Fix webservice api SipUseList
- Including dialplan Atxfer timeout parameter
- Change in queue_var command to accept variable in the “timeout” field
Release 4.6.2¶
New Features¶
- Renaming SIP extensions to Extensions
- Including support to smartphones
- New get_cdr parameter ‘-f’
- New field to enable/disable smartphone devices on sip extensions
- New call reasons page
- New parameters are included, to configure IVCR server
- New BYOD features
- Including call reasons on WEBAGENT
- pivot table into detailed reports
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes tranfers processing
- Fixes status of second leg on transfers
- Fixes queue field on transfers
- Fixes destination field on transfers
- Fixes tranfers processing
- Only alaw and ulaw codecs are allowed by default
- New parameters to configure smartphones
- Fix uniqueid of CONNECT event
- Fixes realtime page when agent is on pending logoff or pending pause
Release 4.6.1¶
New Features¶
- Removal of unused report ‘queues by event’
- Adds new ivreports-pivot page to split the reports in 2 pages.
- Adds another match type !== (custom match) for our filters.
- Support for multiple menu entries pointing to a single php file.
- Adds GACl support for allowing/blocking specific reports, not only groups of reports.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes some simpler average talk time cases.
- Fixes correct answerer in cases of call pickup in our detailed report.
- Fixes accounting times of active pauses in agent related reports
- Fixes callstatus in our detailed report when a redirect occurs.
- Fixes the extension column on calls of type ‘command’ in the detailed report.
- Fixes sayunixtime (used in saydate IVR command) to avoid dropping calls if the caller types DTMF during it.
- Fixes for the HMM (most active period report).
- Fixes preferred agent dropdown in VIVRE.
- Adds missing columns to some pivot reports.
- Removes the average talk and operation times from call reports.
- Renames oddly named pivot report.
- Renames some detailed report column names.
- Fixes conference rooms creating through our Meetme2 api.
- Fixes endpoint_newcall inside pbxdial (agent and interface).
- Fixes transfered call detailed in endpoint_newcall.
- In the WebAgent, fixes call to GetCallReasonsList when the list is empty.
- Fixes report presets saving and usage.
Release 4.6.0¶
New Features¶
- Adds support for copy/paste of IVR modules.
- New High Availability module.
- New real-time calls interface.
- Adds inbound calls routing information.
- Adds more real time threshold warning parameters.
- Adds “between date” option to report “outbound calls billing”.
- Adds notifications in the IVR editor to inform if a user tries to leave without saving it’s changes.
- Adds pdf manual to interface.
- Improves access control of reports data.
- Adds option to make call motivation mandatory.
- New IVR detailed reports.
- Adds IVR Tags detailing in the detailed calls report.
- Adds “contains” match option to filters on our detailed reports.
- Adds estimated wait time for calls on queue.
- Adds new IVR commands: Ringing and Sleep
- Adds feature to reserve a certaing agent to a call.
- Adds hangup by even for non-answered calls.
- Improvements to WebRTC gateway installation script.
- Adds call reasons in detailed report.
- New Pivot Table reports.
- Adds support for LDAP authentication for the Interface users and Webagent agents.
- Adds support for interoperability with CISCO equipments.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes issues when logging out an agent from the real-time interface.
- Fixes issues when exporting some reports.
- Fixes playback of call recording on some particular call cases.
- Fixes issues where some reports would display the group name
incorrectly. * Fixes some report pagination issues. * Fixes call status being wrongly reported in some cases. * Fixes issues importing IVR xmls. * Fixes issues when changing an agents name did not affect the reports being generated. * Fixes fields selection when exporting a report. * Fixes totals in all metrics by date reports. * Fixes roundind error in some report totals. * Fixes call dispatching to agents. * Fixes report filter duplication issues. * Fixes queue overflow leackage to other accountcodes. * Fixes InstantChat RealTime visualization issues. * Fixes webagent activation routine. * Fixes agent login and pause time in some reports. * Fixes follow me redirecting to an IVR. * Fixes webagent pause reasons reloading. * Fixes agent’s stuck line when a call is transfered to a queue. * Fixes realtime journaling. * Fixes call pickup (*8) to calls on a queue. * Fixes database migrations downgrade. * Fixes realtime graphs display. * Fixes reports reprocessing. * Fixes passing of customer_code to call picked up with *8. * Fixes follow me calls display on reports.
Release 4.5.24¶
New Features¶
- Improves error messages on Sip peers configuration.
- Adds extra information to TAG cdr event.
- Adds call reasons functionality.
- Adds routing permissions for call forwarding setups.
- New webagent view template to show agents status.
- New feature to playback last callers to the extension.
- Adds support for multiple productive pause types.
- Adds logging capabilites to the reports interface.
- Adds displaying of daily partials in real time interface.
- Adds date formatting option to SayDate IVR command.
- Enables adding the clientcode for a call from WebAgent.
- Optimizations to realtime graphs data generation.
- ADS Callback.
- Optimizions in agent events generation.
- Adds call time limit option per password.
- New realtime calls interface to show calls on queue.
- Adds routing information to inbound calls.
- Adds more fine grained permissions in our reports.
- Allows supervisors to send notifications for a group of agents.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes a series of memory leaks.
- Fixes empty call overflow issues.
- Fixes issues when trying to reprocess more than one day of reports.
- Fixes webRTC gateway installation issues.
- Fixes reports which were not properly displaying follow me calls.
- Fixes real time call graphs.
- Hides sensitive information in the Passwords configuration page.
- Fixes reports horizontal navigation bar issues.
- Fixes some cases when an answered call was being considered unanswered in the report.
- Fixes agent logoff from real time interface.
- Fixes issues when trying to reprocess statistical reports.
- Fixes follow me routing issues.
- Fixes report exporting issues.
- Fixes agent status transition from pending pause to unpause.
Release 4.5.23¶
New Features¶
- Report outbound billing showing entity and permisson group.
- Create autoura command WaitPassword
- Interface : Sound file support create file TTS
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes IvReports default log
- Fixes IvRouter reconnect RabbitMQ
- Fixes IvReports interface status reports
- Fixes reports issues
- Fixes WebPhone issues
- Fixes WebAgent issues
- Fixes CallBack issues
Release 4.5.22¶
New Features¶
- Real-time extensions interface.
- Default music on hold to queue.
- WebPhone.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes recording in newcall integration.
- Fixes initial recording transfers.
- Fixes integration calls in reports.
- Fixes pause duration in reports.
- Fixes command information in calls detailed report.
- Fixes scheduling reports.
- Fixes management chat and voice queues and agents.
- Fixes reports pagination.
- Optimize export reports to XLS, PDF and print view.
- Fixes differentiated pause reason.
- Fixes reprocess current day reports.
- Fixes blindtransfer information in reports.
- Fixes queue information in chat interface.
- Fixes conference rooms (meetme2).
Release 4.5.21¶
New Features¶
- Interface to see the reports status and regenerate it.
- Partial statistics reports.
- Unified agent statistics by date reports.
- Integrate WebAgent and InstantChat.
- Treating features like a call type.
- Allow configuration for two distinct music on holds - one for the queue and another for holding
- Voicemail alert in IP Phone.
- Control permissions to download recordings.
Bug Fixes¶
- Calls detailed reports showing all legs when apply a filter.
- Fixes queues transfers case in reports.
- Optimize ivreports execution speed.
- Fixes agent reports.
- Fixes groups reports.
- Fixes agent reset button.
- Fixes chat reports issues.
- Fixes permission issues in real time screen.
- Fixes permission issues for chat queues.
- Fixes spy in distributes environment.
- Fixes Conference Rooms to work in distributed environment.
- Fixes permission issues in reports.
- Fixes https
- Fixes agents list pagination.
- Fixes extensions creation warning.
- Fixes agents events and status chat issues.
- Fixes voicemail interface.
- Fixes yum update load issues.
- Fixes email interface.
Release 4.5.20¶
New Features¶
- InstantChat.
- Autoprovision add new telephone: Grandstream 14xx.
- Reports Schedule: Send reports by FTP.
- Control extensions licences.
- Manage interface access permissions in groups add or edit.
- Show details in recording filters when open page.
- Create IVR command that return certain queue metrics, so the IVR can make decisions without a SELECT
Bug Fixes¶
- Prevent the use of special characters as machine hostname.
- Fixes reports horizontal scroll bar.
- Doesn’t try to get screen recordings without Total Recorder configured.
- Fixes transfer with telephone transfer button.
- Fixes same name musiconhold classes issue.
- Fixes same name permission group issue.
- Fixes outbound transfer.
- Fixes agent pause and unpause issues.
- Fixes queue overflow issue, doesn’t need to restart ivacd.
- Fixes undefined values in music on hold and whisper field when editing queue.
- Fixes members role editing in conference rooms.
- Synthetic survey report works without queue filter.
Release 4.5.19¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Optimize IVTS.
- Fix database re-connection in IVTS.
- Fixes integration calls in reports.
- Fixes deleting and editing sound files.
- Registering music on hold with accountcode.
- Fixes agent reports. Pause and unpause using interface.
- Fixes reports filters.
- Fixes agent pause and unpause event.
- Optimize ivreports performance.
- Improve fields validation in interface.
- Fixes CSV report unicode issues.
- Update Total Recorder instalation guide.
- Fix download call record button.
- Fixes internationalization issues.
- Fixes password users issues.
- Fixes the deletion of a time rule in use.
- Fixes remove all entities from a permission group.
- Improves stability and security.
- Fixes pagination issues.
- Fixes Voice Mail in call features.
- Fixes Apache HTTP Server SSL
- Fixes Conference Rooms (meetme2) special character issues.
- Fixes PDF reports issues
- Fixes reports issues
New Features¶
- Link to Instant Ticket
- Real-time graphs
- Reports: Multi-filter values.
Release 4.5.16¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes autoura record parameter. Previously was always recording the IVR navigation.
- Fixes schema sync issue.
- Fixex XLS export for reports with numeric values.
- Fixes agents detailed report.
Release 4.5.14¶
New Features¶
- Adds support for WebAgent configurable templates.
- Adds batch queue creation command line script.
Release 4.5.13¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes reports for calls made through our API ( NewCall method ).
- Fixes Routing editor.
- Fixes reports interface layout.
- Fixes conflict between different accountcodes for passwords.
- fixes leaking trunks from different accountcodes in the routing editor.
New Features¶
- Export reports to PDF.
Bug Fixes¶
Release 4.5.11¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes unicode issues in ivwslib.
- WebAgent UI state changes improvements.
- Fixes ivrouter test cases
- Fixes checktime interface for december rules
- Fixes report layout alignment
New Features¶
- New spy permissions interface
- Direct link from SLN to IVR.
- WebAgent call history is now persistent
- Configurable SSL cert
Release 4.5.9¶
Bug Fixes¶
- WebAgent installation now protected for multiple executions, won’t break the server if you run twice.
- Fixes socketserver when using http instead of https.
- Lot’s of text in our interface were not translated to english.
Release 4.5.7¶
New Features¶
- New WebAgent configuration page.
- Keyboard dialpad working for the WebAgent contact widget.
- WebAgent layout redesign.
- Extra check on creating a webrtc peer, to make sure there is a gateway configure
Bug Fixes¶
- Improvements on IVACD aiming stability.
- Fixed service level percentage calculation in Queues RealTime view.
- Optimizing service level updates to database.
- Fixing non-webrtc WebAgent usage.
- Only pop the confirmation in the WebAgent on leaving the page when a call is in progress.
- Fixed report scheduling
- Fixed webrtc and hardphone peers deletion.
Release 4.5.6¶
New Features¶
- New ‘About’ page, shows details of each installation.
- New ‘contact’ page, allows clients call from a web page to your PBX system.
- Some usability improviments on WebAgent interface.
- Improvement on ADS campaign page, displaying some real time status information.
- New IVReport parameter, allows run reports for debug, do not write anything to the database.
Bug Fixes¶
- Amazon NAT script updated.
- Fixes bug setting priority, on agents groups page.
- Fixes bug with special chars on survey name.
Release 4.5.5¶
New Features¶
- WebAgent interface / usability overhaul.
- Adds passtrough feature.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes cdr reports with calls made through our API.
- Sends the call uniqueid on all cti events.
- Fixes get_cdr script.
- Fix interface user update.
- Improves interface debugging functions.
- Fixes follow me configuration.
Release 4.4.0¶
New Features¶
- New HA (High Availability)
- SNMP Trap generation of platform events
- New Meetme2 (Conference rooms)
- Khomp driver for SMS
- Reports sorting by field name
Bug Fixes¶
- Better separation of accountcodes data
- Several fixes on advanced reports
- Call transfer issues
- Fix capture of Extension->Extension calls
- Realtime interface now shows blind transfers on distributed systems
- Interface->IVACD communication sometimes failed
- Voicemail menu
- Can’t pause anymore if on Active Pause
- Realtime interface events are now correctly generated
- Khomp installation fix
Release 4.3.0¶
New Features¶
- Implements a new strategy for queues, allowing dial to multiple agents at the same time.
- New callback method available on STOMP and Webservice API
- Included SMS support on ADS campaigns.
- Implements SMS notification when callback fails.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes error when downloading files from Filebrowser interface
- Fixes transfers on reports, when the transfer was made by transfer button of hardphones.
- Fixes a few PHP warnings
Release 4.2.2¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes formatting of reports when printing them.
- Fixes calls forwarded to an extension displaying wrong destination info in the reports.
- Fixes transfering calls to forwarding extensions.
- Fixes hardphone transfers using REFER instead of our pbx feature.
- Fixes report extension calls detailed which was not displaying outbound calls.
- Fixes duplicate records in some extensions reports.
- Fallback routes were being dialed even when the previous dial was successfull.
- Disabling a call forwarding using the phone ( *41 ) was causing the calls to this extensions to be sent to voicemail directly.
Release 4.2.1¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes agent pauses interface. A bug prevented the user from adding new pause types.
- Fixes expertise interface. A bug prevented the user from adding new expertise levels.
- Fixes buffer overflow when trying to forward a call to too many numbers at the same time ( something around 7 destinations would trigger the crash. ).
- Call pickups ( *8 ) were being ignored by the reports. A new event was created.
- When an outbound call required a password to allow dialing, the password was not being displayed in the reports.
- Formatting issues when filtering reports by extension.
Release 4.2.0¶
New Features¶
- Implements the generation of auto priviosioning files for the following hardphones: Polycom, YeaLink TP 2.x , YeaLink TP 3.x.
- Displays realtime trunk usage when using Khomp hardware.
- Implements direct access to third party equipment web interfaces through ours.
- Out of the box Khomp driver support. Enabling and configuring through the web interface.
Bug Fixes¶
- On transfers, if an extension was busy it would simply return not playing any busy tones.
- Fixed error on importing an IVR containing a command CheckTime. The bug would not allow the user to change the checktime rule from an imported IVR.
- Fixed stuck lines when calling to a queue from an ADS campaign.
- Agent creation interface was not correctly displaying an error message whe trying to create an agent with no lines.
- A definition of language to be used in a given ADS recipients list was missing.
- The IVR command waitdigits was not playing any sound if it was the first command of an IVR.
- The interface was not allowing a sound file to be added with the same filename but differente languange or accountcode.
- Stopping a sound file to be deleted if in use by an IVR , MCDU or music on hold
- Removed a radio button in the ADS recipients list which was not being used anywhere in the rest of the code.
- ADS campaing creation interface was allowing the creation of campaigns for disabled accountcodes.
- Character encoding was not being treated correctly in IVRouter’s logging module, causing crashes in some cases.
- A series of logic mistakes were causing transfered calls in a distributed setting to not appear, or appear with wrong information, in the reports.
- Fixed characacter encoding issues in the ADS reports.
- Better error handling when trying to create auto provisioning files.
- Detailed calls report was not sorting by time, only by date.
- Some parts of a transfered call were not being recorded.
- Fixed the localization of monetary values in the routes creation interface.
- Fixed a bug when editing /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf from the web interface which caused those files to be saved malformed back into the filesystem.
- Fixed validation of Checktime rules creation.
- Pause reasons interface should only allow pause codes > 0 . It was allowing also 0.
- Pause reasons interface was displaying the wrong error message in some cases.
Usability Improvements¶
- Padronization of buttons text across the web interface.
Release 4.1.0¶
New Features¶
- Uses CentOS 5.8 as base.
- Checks for name collisions among the following entities: SIP extensions, Agents, Queues and SLNs.
- New daemon IVTrap to receive SNMP information from Audiocodes appliances.
Bug Fixes¶
- VPN monitoring script synced to latest version.
- Fixes realtime queues to show first call on queue info.
- Apache configuration now disables /docs and /manual.
- Fixes detailed reports to show the correct recording information.
- Fixes saydigits command from IVR to answer the call before playing.
- Fixes some transfer related bugs which were leaving junk registries in acd_callls.
- Interface now blocks removal of logged in agent.
- Performance improvements in realtime agents information.
- Improves localadion_network so it doesn’t hang between request.
- Ivacd’s call matching mechanism was not respectin agent expertise.
- Removes conflict between our mpg123 and the distribution’s one.
Release 4.0.8¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes sip extensions web interface. In which a user tried to create a range of sip peers with password which had leading zeros.
- Fixes exporting reports to csv/xls.
- Fixes app_ivrouter core dump generated by a followme route.
- Implements follow me to external number.
- Fixes ATXFER hangups, which were sending the wrong UNIQUEID causing stuck agent lines and a call never leaving a queue.
- Fixes SQL error which caused acd_calls to never be updated causing realtime not showing call information.
- Not allowing pause with a non registered reason code.
- Not allowing an agent to call itself.
- Fixes missing header on schedules reports.
Release 4.0.7¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Improved user feedback in case it is unable to remove an accountcode due to it having queues or agents attached to id.
- Fixes Select All button in permission groups page.
- Stops ACDs from sending any cdr event so we don’t duplicate the calls in the reports.
- Fixes the SOURCE field in all reports in distributed environments.
- Sends the correct UNIQUEID in the NEWCALL event sent by a Media Server which was causing some frozen agent lines in IVACD.
- Fixes a bug in which the Media Server brick was not respecting the SIP peer’s configured language.
Release 4.0.6¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Corrects services defaults for MS brick ( RabbitMQ should be disabled ).
- Correctly updating new parameters for ivstomp and ivrouter telling which server is the current ACD.
- Corrects problem with changing an agent’s password without the need to restart IVACD.
- Fixes IVRouter to recognize a router request as a second request from a known call.
- Minor ael2 syntax fixes.
- Fixing accountcodes administration page to disable the correct accountcode.
- Fixes IVRouter to allow calling from one IVR to another one through pbxdial.
- Fixes IVRouter logging to /var/log/ivrouter
- FIxes IVRouter so it doesn’t send duplicate NEWCALL events on outbound calls in a distributed environment.
Release 4.0.0¶
New Features¶
- New call routing module ( IVRouter ) replacing old logic written in AEL2.
- New reports and CDR modules ( IVReports and IVCdr ). IN order to acheive faster report retrieval.
Release 3.6.0¶
Following is a list of changes from InstantVoice release 3.5.0 to 3.6.0.
New Features¶
- Creates VIVRE command to synthesize text on remote server and plays locally.
- Implements a survey interface, to create and manage surveys.
- Creates a new field in brick configuration, to set a SMTP server.
- Implements an email interface, to configure emails sent by the plataform.
- Creates a new nagios plugin to alert when occur core dumps.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes admin user permission.
- Fixes wrong fields on report ‘Calls - Statistics by Date’.
- Fixes lowlimit field on all basic reports of admin user.
- Fixes charset error on ADS reports.
- Fixes ADS problem with calls without route.
Release 3.5.0¶
Following is a list of changes from InstantVoice release 3.4.0 to 3.5.0.
New Features¶
- Creates new field in the agents configuration to provide an arbitrary external identification.
- Implements new dialer feature to allow rescheduling of calls in a campaign.
- Implements more formatting options to time duration fields in the basic reports.
- Creates VIVRE command to set the queue priority for that call.
- Allows the removal of the default accountcode. The admin user now is not bound to any accountcode and can’t be deleted.
- Supports the selection of multiple campaigns in the dialer’s detailed report.
- Implements a new parameter in the dialer to allow a multiplier value when calling to free agents of a queue.
- Creates a link on any uniqueid displayed in the basic reports to allow the user to listen to the recording of that call.
- Plays a different error message when an extension is locked.
- Allows in the report ‘Agents - detailed register’ for the user to select no specific agent and see all agents at once.
- Creates a cookie which records the number of agents to show on the realtime page.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes bogus ‘rm’ inside ivsoap Asterisk module.
- Fixes line breaks in our exported reports to work on windows machines.
- Fixes survey reports to avoid extracting information non-history tables.
- Fixes reports xls exportation feature to not treat numeric fields as text.
- In case of losing the database connection, a media server now restarts itself.
- Fixes compatibility with Khomp channel driver.
- Fixes stuck agent line when the other end of an attended transfer doesn’t answer.
- Fixes the destination channel name in cases of call pickup.
- Fixes comparison of maximum attendees on a conference call.
- Fixes vmail_timeout parameter which was being user by extensions without voicemail.
Release 3.4.0¶
Following is a list of changes from InstantVoice release 3.3.0 to 3.4.0.
New Features¶
- Complete rewrite of the automatic dialing system including new reports interface, the possibility of running one campaign multiple times and improvements in the data model.
- Implements the hability to send CTI information to a logged agent by pasting it on his computer clipboard.
- Allows a user to search for a destination also of a transfer in the advanced reports.
- Creates report to show the last phone numbers a given customer used to contact the platform.
- Creates VIVRE command to allow the playback of a message with a variable name.
Release 3.3.0¶
Following is a list of changes from InstantVoice release 3.2.0 to 3.3.0.
New Features¶
- Implements a new Webservices and STOMP API, for greater scalability and interoperability.
- Implements a new “follow-me” engine, unifying the previous “virtual extension” and “call forwarding” features.
- Implements hangup-by detection on agent calls.
- Introduces a way to force SIP reinvites when necessary, superseding call transfer and recording configuration.
- Optionally blocks a call if its recording cannot be started.
- Audibly differentiate between “route unavailable” and “circuit busy” call dispositions.
- Adds a VoiceMail command to VIVRE, while also creating a global voicemail timeout, separate from the global dial timeout.
- Allows web users to change their own password.
- Implements a new localadmin control panel for management of running services.
- Optimizes agent details report for a 100-fold performance increase.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fixes bug where AdvancedTTS messages would be cut in the beginning.
- Fixes bug where bricks could not dial out if they were only in permission groups (and not specifically allowed).
- Properly handle agent lines when doing call pickup.
- Polycom SIP phones can now use the buitin transfer button and agent lines will be properly handled.
- No longer randomly restarts music-on-hold on a call.
- Fixes rare system crash involving the CDR subsystem.
- Fixes bug where music-on-hold would occasionally not play to callers on hold.
- Respects VIVRE’s queue timeout parameter.
- Do not ask for caller password if there are no routes available.
- Fixes system crash when caller gave up while waiting in a queue.
- Fixed bug where logoff button would not work on acdagents.
- Fixes large memory leak in all versions of Internet Explorer in the queue and agent realtime pages.
- Fixes long-standing bug where it was not possible to open Advanced Reports in a new window. This also fixes other bugs caused by the recurring refresh to get results (which was removed).
- Fixes bug where it was not possible to change a given sound file’s accountcode.
- Large recipient files are properly handled by the ADS interface.
- Fixes bug where it was not possible to clear a cluster’s recursive DNS field.
- Fixes Loquendo RPM packaging.
- Fixes bug where new versions of the web interface would not clear the previous version’s template cache.
Release 3.2.0¶
Following is a list of changes from InstantVoice release 3.1.0 to 3.2.0.
New Features¶
- Implements the new web service engine, ivws.
- Implements dial-out pacing in ADS by linking a campaign to a queue.
- Implements new ADS reports.
- In order to make licenses backward- and forward-compatible for releases with the same major number, only check a given license’s major version number.
- The Hangup manager action now also takes Uniqueid as a parameter.
- Standardization of most web UI components.
- Removes dependency on soy templates.
- Adds documentation on Integration, the Automated Dialing System, and introduces a Changelog.
- Allows use of the “{}” repetition enumerator in route expressions.
- Restricts access to recordings to users of the Advanced Reports page through new user permissions.
- Adds the ability to schedule reports and save them to a directory on disk.
- Creates new agent reset button, available on the realtime web page.
- It is now possible to change a paused agent’s reason without unpausing said agent.
- Creates a parameter to control which of an agent’s lines will be used first for outbound calls.
Bug Fixes¶
- Prevents system from hanging when transferring a call under heavy load.
- Fixes a bug where sound files loaded through the web interface would not be played when called through ViVRE’s waitdigits action.
- Fixes bug where an inbound call would be dropped by the system after having been transfered by an agent to another queue, if it was ignored by the first agent to receive it in the second queue.
- Fixes a bug where if an agent makes an attended transfer using SIP signalling (such as a phone’s “Transfer” button) instead of Asterisk’s features, this agent’s lines would be hung on an “up” state indefinitely.
- Fix HTML syntax error on basic report ouput when sumcols or groupcols were defined for a query.
- Fixes bug where one could not change a report’s groupcols and sumcols parameters.
- Fixes quality survey reports to conform to new data model.
- Fixes trunk dropdown layout in route configuration.
- Fixes bug where it was not possible to save a SIP extension with a MAC address.
- The accountcode can now be properly selected in follow-me configuration.
- The Previous button now works properly on Opera when configuring agents.
- Fixed a bug where if a SIP extension was removed, it would not be deleted from an associated route’s permissions, causing that route to become inalterable.